Friday, September 18, 2009

The First Week

The First Week
Over the first couple of days that I spent in this building, I was overwhelmed by the massive size of the building’s interior and also how my classes seemed to be on opposite sides of the building from one another. I would rush from class to class, hoping to make it on time and also hoping that in my rush that I had grabbed the right materials needed for that hour. After my fourth hour, I had lunch which I was originally most nervous about because I wasn't sure if I shared C lunch with any of my friends. Some of my friends ended up having the same lunch as me, so I was relieved to know that I could at least have some fun during the day.
After the first week was over, I thought that I had this high school thing down, and wouldn’t be eaten alive like a wounded seal being circled by hungry sharks. The school seemed to get smaller with every passing day and it almost became easier to navigate the hallways. The only bad thing about my first week of school so far was that I already had a couple of tests and I also had two homework assignments on the first day.
So far, the only issues that I have had with high school are the waking up at 5:50 in the morning. This is almost an hour earlier than last year, but I have to do this in order to get to my bus on time because I am one of the first stops. I barley have time to eat breakfast in the morning and because I have C lunch I am starving by the end of 3rd hour.
So I step into this new world, and I’m going to take it one step at a time.